Introduction to Hugo static website generator
Why would you even consider using Wordpress, when all you really want or need is making a completely statically generated website?
Notes on web development, open-source software, Linux, and technology related topics.
Why would you even consider using Wordpress, when all you really want or need is making a completely statically generated website?
Try out Isso, a self-hosted blog comment system for web sites, when enabling comments for static websites.
Dell being actively interested in offering great Linux support, while Redhat is working on improving the Linux notebook experience: How well does Fedora Linux work on a Dell XPS-13 9360 (Developer Edition)?
May1Reboot is based on the simple idea of collectively relaunching websites at the same time — and in doing so — rallying each other and sticking to that one deadline. Turns out, without strict discipline it’s easy to get lost in details.
Systemd timer-units can be set up to depend on other systemd units. This is great if need to run periodic maintenance tasks inside docker containers that come and go on demand.
Get nginx with HTTP/2 protocol support up and running today. You’re not afraid of compiling a bit of source-code on your own, are you?
Its a bit tricky to get OCSP stapling on nginx right. But with a little effort it is possible to reap the privacy, security and performance benefits.
SSH is the ubiquitous way of working with networked computers. And it is beyond belief, how many people try to break into systems via ssh. You haven’t taken actions to turn ssh attacks into a game of diminishing returns? Its about time to change that.
It is amazingly trivial to setup private git hosting with complete access control via public keys on Linux. Moreover, you can then start to customize for whatever you see fit or need.
In the light of the latest Internet espionage and surveillance revelations, I started to investigate web server security more closely. As a result I came up with a slightly over the top setup that maximizes security and scores a solid A+ rating at SSL Lab