Notes on How to accomplish a specific task

Step-by-step instructions for how to accomplish a specific task or desired result. May leave out some details non-experts find rather important to know.

Bye, Bye Disqus - Say Hello to Isso

Try out Isso, a self-hosted blog comment system for web sites, when enabling comments for static websites.

Running scheduled tasks in Docker containers using systemd timer-units

Systemd timer-units can be set up to depend on other systemd units. This is great if need to run periodic maintenance tasks inside docker containers that come and go on demand.

Remember to mitigate brute-force SSH attacks

SSH is the ubiquitous way of working with networked computers. And it is beyond belief, how many people try to break into systems via ssh. You haven’t taken actions to turn ssh attacks into a game of diminishing returns? Its about time to change that.

Steam for Linux setup guide on 64-bit Fedora / ArchLinux

A step-by-step guide on how to install Steam for Linux, setup the bootstraping process, include all required 32-bit library dependencies, and fix an (Ubuntu-related) incompatibility preventing it to run correctly on systemd-based distributions.

Painlessly upgrade Fedora with 'fedup'

Fedup is a premier solution to upgrading Fedora Linux to a new release if you care for a surprisingly painless experience. Despite its name, it is already a great improvement over pre-upgrade.