Notes on Fedora Linux

Fedora is a fast, stable, and powerful operating system for everyday use built by a worldwide community of friends. It is completely free to use, study, and share.

Running Fedora Linux 25 on a Dell XPS-13 9360

Dell being actively interested in offering great Linux support, while Redhat is working on improving the Linux notebook experience: How well does Fedora Linux work on a Dell XPS-13 9360 (Developer Edition)?

Steam for Linux setup guide on 64-bit Fedora / ArchLinux

A step-by-step guide on how to install Steam for Linux, setup the bootstraping process, include all required 32-bit library dependencies, and fix an (Ubuntu-related) incompatibility preventing it to run correctly on systemd-based distributions.

Painlessly upgrade Fedora with 'fedup'

Fedup is a premier solution to upgrading Fedora Linux to a new release if you care for a surprisingly painless experience. Despite its name, it is already a great improvement over pre-upgrade.