Silex JMS Serializer Provider

Seamlessly serialize or deserialize object graphs of any complexity. It supports XML, JSON, YAML, and naturally, plain PHP data structures. Annotations or configuration files can be used to implement fine-grained (de-)serialization rules.

Silex JMS Serializer is a service provider for the Silex PHP micro-framework.

In its simplest form, the service provider exports 2 functions named serialize and deserialize.

Under the hood, it registers the Johannes Schmitt’s serializer package for handling (de-)serialization of object graphs of any complexity. Visit the JMS-Serializer project page if you want to learn more about all possible options.

Use the JMS serializer provider if you’re building an API application which consumes and produces json, xml, or yaml data format.


The preferred way of installing this service provider is through composer:

```sh $ composer.phar require macedigital/jms-serializer-provider

## Example

As this is a drop-in replacement for the [Silex SerializerServiceProvider]( this slightly adapted example from the docs will work:

$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

// If you're are using class annotations
Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));

$app = new Silex\Application();

// optional: whether to stat cached files or not, defaults to $app['debug']
$app['serializer.debug'] = true;

// optional: defaults to system's default temporary folder
$app['serializer.cache_dir'] = '/some/writable/folder';

$app->register(new Macedigital\Silex\Provider\SerializerProvider);

// only accept content types supported by the serializer via the assert method.
$app->get("/pages/{id}.{_format}", function ($id) use ($app) {
    // assume a page_repository service exists that returns a Page object
    $page = $app['page_repository']->find($id);
    $format = $app['request']->getRequestFormat();

    if (!$page instanceof Page) {
        $app->abort("No page found for id: $id");

    return new Response($app['serializer']->serialize($page, $format), 200, array(
        "Content-Type" => $app['request']->getMimeType($format)
})->assert("_format", "xml|json|yml")
  ->assert("id", "\d+");
